Friday, October 8, 2010

October: Day 8

Day 8 - a photo that makes you sad.
It was almost four years of being married, and we'd never had a Christmas tree. A few days after Thanksgiving was over, we decided to go cut our Christmas tree at a local farm, and have the full experience. It was a fun day...cider, crisp blue skies, and bright sunshine as we drove home with our beautiful tree. Everything was hopeful and exciting...a new tradition for our family, Lyra was due in two months, and we just were so naive.

This is one of the last pictures I have pregnant with her. A week or so after we went to the hospital out of fear and got cleared...everything looked good and healthy. Then five days later she was dead. After delivering her and returning home, our tree was not so pretty. And our house was so empty. And Christmas sucked. 

This picture represents one of our last good times as that family. In that house. With that child. 


  1. (((((hugs)))))
    While this pictures stirs up sadness, I'm glad this photo is actually a sweet moment documenting you and Lyra. How crappy to come home to a bright, blinking Christmas tree though ... as if coming home to a quiet empty house is not enough. Christmas just kind of rubs it all in your face.

    Our first Christmas without Liam sucked big time too (no tree, no decorations, no joy and no baby boy). How can it not?

    Thanks for sharing this pic.

  2. Christmas. Ugh. Our babies have birthdays close together, so I know. Man, I know. Seeing pre-Lucy happy makes me so sad.

    I wish I could reach out and hug you and we could cry together.

  3. A little off topic. Did they find out why your placenta abrupted? Mine did too - with no reason....and now like you I am pregnant again and terrifed it will happen again... have they given you anything to go on?

  4. don't you just love naivity.... xxx

  5. (((hugs)))
    memories of happiness of Ferdnand's pregnancy always makes me smile and cry at the same time. mostly cry.

  6. Ugh. I am so sorry, and sniffling with you. It's amazing how losing our babies changes EVERYTHING, isn't it?

    I am just so sorry. Always.

  7. Those photos of before are so very bittersweet.I'm so sorry your naivety was shattered.x

  8. oh. Thank you for sharing. I wish it was a wonderful Christmas. I hope Christmas will be happy for you again.

  9. A lovely picture, but so so sad. Christmas is associated with both of my losses, too. It used to be my favorite time of year (except I hate the cold!) and now it's loaded with sad memories.

  10. ((((HUGS)))) I hate all those photos right before... so naive. XOXO

  11. Somehow seeing a picture is more raw than reading words. It's like if we could have only stopped you in that moment of that picture to spare you from the coming days ahead when you lost Lyra. It just breaks my heart for you.

  12. Hugs. I feel like this about my belly photos we took before 20 weeks. I had no idea what was about to happen and how much our lives were about to change. I don't even know who that person is anymore. xx
