Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October: Day 26

Day 26 - your week, in great detail

L works retail hour with a non-profit, so he's off Sunday and Monday, working Tuesday-Saturday. This is the most generic example of one of my weeks.

Sunday: L's first day off work. We usually sleep in, and make french toast or get donuts. We rarely do church in the conventional setting anymore - big social settings are not our thing. L favorite story is about getting together with one of the pastor's one day and playing ladder golf, drinking beer, and shooting a bb gun. We find more meaningful interactions about life & faith in one-on-one or small group discussions with friends.

Monday: L helps me with grocery shopping, or anything else that I need assistance with since it's a normal work day for most everyone else. If he wants to come with me, I can plan dr.'s appointments this day.

Tuesday: Run errands.

Wednesday: Do laundry and deep clean the apartment. This is also homemade pizza night.

Thursday: Typically dr. appointment day, if I have one.

Friday: Usually a pretty laid back day...I like to work lot on art done this day if I can.

Saturday: Sometimes I like to try to meet up at L's work and surprise him with lunch...either at a quick restaurant or bring a picnic. This is also the day I get together with 'normal work week' friends.

1 comment:

  1. Carl had a day off on Monday when he was pastoring and when I was home I loved it. It was our shopping and Home Depot day. Gosh, I miss those Mondays while everyone else was at the office.....
