Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Random: Reports and Awards

Last Friday I got a call about the echo and scan report. Cyst still on the brain. Head still measuring large. The echo was clean though, so that's a good sign.

Today was my last appointment before being induced. At 38 weeks the sono tech measured Simon at 8lbs 3oz, but also reminded me that their equipment was usually on the heavier end of measuring, by maybe half a pound. One week left though, unless Simon gets antsy and wants out sooner!


For those who haven't, you need to check out the Faces 2 Faces group directory to see if there is a group formed in your area. Three of us gathered here in town last night for our first meeting, and hopefully there can be more connections made in coming weeks and months as word is spread about this group!


I want to thank Letters to Claire and Butterfly Mom for giving me awards this past week. I'm sure over the last few months I should have given credit to many others for awards, or gifts, or thoughtful gestures. I want to be sure and say that if I haven't publicly announced or posted pictures of things you sent or done for Lyra or me (and even Simon), it's not because I don't appreciate it. I hold each of them close to my heart. So although this seems to be a big generic 'thank you', there is a spot on my dresser where I put items/notes/remembrances of the mama's who send a gift, or write, or award things to me. I am grateful for the online and real life friends who stick by me and continue to encourage me...this could get all mushy, but I'll just stop there.


I'm currently reading They Were Still Born . Highly recommending it to those who have experienced a stillbirth of a child, or for family members of those who have.


  1. Only a little bit more to go!!! :) I've read that book too. It's excellent. XO

  2. Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and sweet Simon.. and always Lyra....

  3. I can't believe it's so close! Glad it was more good news today and I so looking forward to the Faces2Faces groups blooming!

  4. Super glad there is a group down south! On my mind and sending you positive vibes for Simon's arrival!

  5. thinking of you and simon rachel, best of luck with the induction you will be on my mind loads of love xx

  6. I've been meaning to come by, say thanks for the sweet words, and sooooooooooo wish you all the best with your delivery!!! I won't lie about how wrought with so many emotions it will be, so I'll send lots of prayers for it to be as peaceful as possible...can't wait to see pictures and follow along!

  7. It won't be long now... I am like everyone else sending positive thoughts.. happy birth focus and can't wait to hear the news about Simon!

  8. I decided to give you a blog award too!
