Thursday, January 13, 2011

Random: Unofficially

Unofficially, his heart looks fine according to the tech. Cyst is still there. The official report from the specialist with be available next week, if there are to be any hidden "you should be aware of" statements.

Officially, this kid still has a massive head and is 6 lbs, 13 oz.

Officially, a February 1st induction date was set for me yesterday. 

Officially, thank you for your thoughts, love and wishes for Simon's well being. He's one lucky guy to have all you out there rooting for him. I know I am also incredibly lucky to have you all encouraging me. I hope I have a certified, "all clear" to report back next week.

If you are friends with me on fb or elsewhere I've already saturated the social networks with info on this link: It might be a good read for the male counterparts out there who don't hear a lot of feedback from other dad's on their experience with stillbirth. Plus, it's fairly well known sports guys who are willing to discuss it.

My first copy of "They Were Still Born " arrived today. It was one of the presents L got me for my birthday! I hope to donate one to my local library here before I leave, and one in our new town too.


  1. I definitely need to get that book too! The article was amazing, incredibly moving and wonderful to hear men talking about this topic. Sending so many positive hopes your way for a reassuring official report next week!

  2. Thanks for the official updates and the hope for the unofficial. Praying that the next week will go smoothly for you. It's good there are resources out there for dads of children born still. It seems like something that wouldn't come up, and yet should.

  3. Officially getting excited for February 1st! Great news all around. Thinking of you guys and sending much love--hang in there, you're doing great :)

  4. I'm glad things are looking good.
    Got my copy of They Were Still Born this week too. x

  5. Feb 1 is just around the corner - You've got me in your corner too hoping for a wonderful result and happy brith. Thinking of you and your family.. "officially"

  6. Feb not long now!! Good luck, hope the time goes quick for you!!

  7. I linked it too- such a great article and captured the daddy group that isn't as prevalent when people talk about loss (even that Dad's in the article referred to their wives pain before their own. Our grief counselor talked about that being due to the protective nature). Oooo, a big head! It'll be interesting to see how long Simon wears his newborn clothes, if he gets much bigger he'll be in 0-3 in no time!

  8. I didn't know you were moving. That is a great idea to donate resources to the library. I might just borrow that. We have one family of funeral home directors that cover almost our whole county. I hoped to buy some resources for them and the hospital here, but the library provides access even to those out of the area through interlibrary loans. I didn't know you were moving. And Feb 1! Wow - Even closer than your ticker tells us! Blessings.

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