Thursday, August 4, 2011

Friday Rainbow Baby Blog: August 5

Blogger was being a pain, and it messed with what I was doing,
so this went ahead and published early. I'm just going with it.

There's not much terribly new to report this past week. We've tried some brown rice cereal, and he seems to enjoy it...he leans in for more. I have to use two spoons...I rotate between them as he "helps" feed himself. We will mostly BF still, but we can work our way into the solids a bit in the coming weeks.


  1. Don't worry, it is Friday here! :)
    And starting solids, an exciting time. He's growing up so fast.

  2. I loved starting solids with Coop- we started right around Thanksgiving and he loved home made mashed potatoes. Hope you and him have fun learning what he loves to eat.


  3. yay for solids! we are starting them in a few weeks. i like the idea of doing brown rice instead of regular rice. (PS your link on my blog actually is a link to my page.)
