Friday, August 27, 2010


After my doom and gloom post from yesterday, I thought I'd post a few things that brighten my day or cause me to smile. (I'm sure it feels like an emotional roller coaster for you followers. Thank you for your sweet comments yesterday.)

-It's been cool enough to have our windows open in the mornings and evenings!

-This kitty.

-One of the BLM's I meet up with regularly sent a surprise package in the mail with some homemade burp cloths after I shared about being pregnant again. By far one of the sweetest things!

-Baby S.uh. (Did I ever put the pronunciation? It's like Sue. A boy named Sue. Little Betty Sue. I realized after my mom asked about how to say it that maybe not everyone knows the players from N.ebraska H.uskers football...silly me!!) I'm thankful for my morning sickness waning, and for the heartbeats that I continue to hear at appointments. I know my worries I'm having right now are another indicator of my luck in getting to carry another baby, which is more than some families get to have. I need to not take that for granted.

-Even though we have rough times, and we get on each other's nerves, this guy still manages to make me smile and laugh a whole lot. Pretty positive I'm uber lucky to have him in my life.

-There are a slew of other things too. But I'll save those to help remind me on other post-doom and gloom days.


  1. What wonderful things to hold close & be thankful for! I for one am thankful for you & the other lovely ladies here in town...during my really difficult moments I am reminded I am not alone because of you all...thank you for that!

  2. Yay for waning morning sickness! That itself makes for a lot less misery. God, and your kitty is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen. I love grey cats. Give her a good cuddle from me, please.

    Open up those windows and let the breeze take all the worries away...


  3. I love your kitty!!! :) It's nice to stop and think about the things we do have.
