Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New Friends

I'm not sure what the turning point was. Or if there was a switch that flipped. Or if there was just a magical moment when everything aligned as it should.

But whatever happened, I finally made some friends. Even someone who understands picking out baby coffins.

I've had play dates, and have stayed out late partying, and dinners, and running partners. I realize how much I've missed friends who were near enough to text and gather later that same evening.

And it's directly related to my need for blogging. I do believe I'll keep this up, and keep it available for people to view my grief art, and I'd still like to participate in the "Right Where I Am" project each year. But I don't know that I'll have a weekly, or even monthly post. If you want to keep up with me more often, I'm on most every social media option available...so drop me a line if you want to find me.

I can't delete this blog. It's been too important to me. It's still important to me. It represents a part of me, and a community that was so vitally necessary to my survival. So I'll be around. Sending love to you all.


  1. Oh yay! I'm so glad you've finally made connections, and especially ones that are sensitive to your loss.

  2. I'm glad you'll still be around--I love your Instagram posts! I'm also glad you've filled the friend shaped void in your life--real life friendships can be so meaningful.

  3. So glad you've found some friends close by! And thanks for being a bloggy friend to me when I was in a dark place (my Anastasia is now ONE - wow!). I've really enjoyed your blog and your artwork.

  4. Friends are wonderful and I'm so glad you have connected with some IRL folks! I feel the same way about my blog.

  5. My heart is happy that you have found friends to connect with. It's good to meet people face to face. I'm glad that you are going to keep up your blog and share thoughts here once in a while too because it's been good for me to read.

  6. Friends- we lose a lot through the death of our child. Find new ones can be challenging a can feel so hard fought and needed abd necessary. I'm so glad you have connected with some people. Keep running, and being artistic, and missing Lyra. We are here when you need us.

  7. So glad for friends who can minister to your heart and your mind. Such a difference in quality of life, I know! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  8. So happy for you, it makes such a difference in life doesn't it?! I'm hoping I'll soon find some friends who I click with here. Missing you but so glad you're in such a great place right now.

  9. So happy for you. What a great description too...

  10. So great for you. I am really, really happy your life is filling up with such wonderful, healthy things :) If I lived closer I'd come over for a run!

  11. So happy for you, my dear. I hope this blog can continue to serve as an outlet for you when & if you need it. And if not? Love life, live it up, & lots of love.
