Showing posts with label Thankful Tuesdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thankful Tuesdays. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thankful Tuesday 8.16.11

Recently I've been thankful for:

1. Rain. We have gotten a smidge of it as of late.

2. Green smoothies. I've been mixing strawberries, bananas, yogurt, spinach, milk, and honey. The banana and strawberries cover the spinach taste well. I found some other yummy recipes, and hope to make those too.

3. Projects. I've had some time in the evenings to work on some projects, which feels really good.


How about you? What has made you smile this week?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Thankful Tuesday 8.2.11

Three things I'm thankful for, or excited over, or just a listing of shtuff.

1. The band Mumford and Sons. New discovery for me...I know, I'm late to the music scene

2. August. Because August means cooler weather...and moisture....right!?  *looks to the sky and shakes fist*

3. A yummy, yummy carne asada recipe that reminded me of when we lived in California. It's simple, but delicious.
Are you ready for a new season?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Thankful Tuesday 7.26.11

Three things I'm thankful for today are:

1. I've gone a week without drinking any pop! I love a good pepsi or dr. pepper, but I'm looking to cut out useless foods/drinks. I'm now no longer craving it, so I hope I've passed the hard part :)

2. Swimming. I love it. I've been swimming laps twice a week and it just feels so good.

3. L made us a tablecloth. I know, not real exciting right? But we've never had a tablecloth before, let alone made one! We've had the material for, literally, 4 years. I hope to maybe recover the seat cushions, but I'm not sure what material yet.

Is there anything that has recently been a bright spot in a dark time for you?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Thankful Tuesday 7.19.11

I seem to be in a rut, but I'm working on sharing projects I've been doing, and I'll be trying to do more weekday "assignments"...such as Thankful Tuesday, Wordless Wednesday, etc. Those give me an idea of what to shoot for. We'll see how it goes. So bear with me, and if you have time I'd love to know if I still have anyone following or not. It'd be a nice little boost of confidence :)
3 things I'm thankful for:

1. I made some discovery water bottles. I'm loving the glitter, dice, some change, and confetti!! One of the bottles has mostly glitter in it, which reminds me of Angie's post mentioning mind jars.

2. The temps this morning were almost what you'd consider "cool", so we sat outside on our crispy, dead grass and watched Dinah catch grasshoppers. It's fun to see her enjoy being outside. She's lost a considerable amount of weight, and though I'm sure this first summer is a severe adjustment temperature wise, she's doing really well. Love that kitty.

3. Our new couches are wonderful. Our living room feels welcoming and comfortable. We painted an accent wall purple, and got some curtains. It feels like a room you want to spend time in. Which is just the goal for us, and for having people over.

What is something you are thankful for today?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thankful Tuesdays

3 Things I'm thankful for:

1. I got this surprise in the mail from Frost's mom (I LOVE surprises). It definitely lifted my spirits and I've appreciate the thoughtfulness and beauty of it. Notice Lyra's constellation she etched in....just perfect.

2. Skytimes had an ATC swap, and I got the Star one she had created! It's beautiful, and reminds me of my sweet Lyra.

3. I have to thank two lovely ladies for their thoughtfulness in passing along an award to me: Jessica at Too Beautiful for Earth and Anne at Harveys World

Here are the rules for the award:

   1. Accept the award and post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link.

2. Pay it forward to 10 other bloggers.
3. Contact those blog owners and let them know they have been chosen.

Here are my top ten in no particular order:

1. Butterflies for Alexandra 
2. Missing Nara 
3. Teddy Bear Tins 
4. The Road Less Travelled 
5. Dear Stevie 
6. There Will Be Rest 
7. Walks with Frost 
8. Lily's Mommy Forever 
9. Tuesday's Hope 
10. Handprint on my Heart 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Thankful Tuesdays

(releasing this late Monday night, intended for Tuesday)
3 things I'm thankful for:

1) the Dave Matthews Band concert I was able to go to this past weekend! It's one of two bands that I really want to see live (the other being U2).

2) Rain that we've recently gotten that has finally cooled things off, even if only for two days.

3) This website: Glow in the Woods . I'm actually kinda new to it in this past month. I don't know how it didn't hit my radar before then. But it's got a dynamic posts by various writers who have experienced baby death. There's community questions and dialogue. Check it out.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Thankful Tuesdays

3 things I'm thankful for:

1. Air conditioning that works! (knock on wood) It's supposed to be 109 today.

2. I woke up to the wonderful aroma of the Dutch Apple Bread that L made this morning.

3. This blog: Ferdinand's Gifts. Janis' son, Ferdinand, was stillborn in the third trimester, and she writes about her experience with that and her rainbow daughter Lyra. The stories and thoughts and the journey I've read on this blog resonate with me on a deep level. And she chose  beautiful names for both her children, but obviously I am biased towards the name Lyra :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thankful Tuesdays

3 things I'm thankful for:

1. Your comments! It's a bright spot in my day to see that you've stopped by and left a little something :)

2. Artist Trading Card (ATC) swaps!!

3. This site: Surviving the Day Everyday - This BLM has also joined the Creative Everyday Challenge. Amy has an amazing style of painting that I love, along with skills in photography, mixed media, baking, and I knkow the list goes on and on. She is a big encouragement to me. Visit her and remember Liam today.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thankful Tuesdays

3 things I'm thankful for:

1) Fireflies. Means it's summer and that kids (and some adults!) will be running after the little splotches of color that sporadically pop up around the yards and parks.

2) My husband. He deserves all my thanks for taking care of me and loving me. Even when it's hard.

3) This blog: Still Life 365 is the gravy to my mashed potatoes. I like art. I'm grieving. What better combo than a blog that combines the freedom to express how you're grieving/how you remember/how you love your child(ren) and the fact that you don't have to be a fine arts major to submit. There's no critiquing or sniggling at anyone's work. Just acceptance for the process that we each go through after the death of our children. Poetry, crafts, photographing, gardening, butterfly hatching, written rambling, and food making are just a sliver of the mediums available that you can submit. Consider it...please? For me?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Thankful Tuesdays

3 things I'm thankful for:

1) Family - both near and far away.  I have parents and in-laws that love me despite my flaws. They dropped everything when Lyra died to come help and continue to be encouraging and supportive.

2) Watercolors - I used to hate them in high school. And I didn't mess with them until Lyra died. But now that's all want to work with. I still have a lot of learning to do though.

3) This blog : Lazy Seamstress hits me on two levels - 1) Creatively she is crazy amazing  2) She has very poignant posts about her feelings and experiences after losing her daughter Florence, and her rainbow pregnancy with her baby boy. Send good vibes to her as she continues her journey.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thankful Tuesdays

3 things I'm thankful for:

1) The chance right now to focus on my really pour myself into it. I'm trying all sorts of things, and discovering some new mediums I feel really good about.

2) Wine.

3) This blog: Jessica writes Walks with Frost. We lost our children the same day back in December. Her blog, as she states it, is an "attempt to take him through the world with me...these are my letters to Frost." I connect with a lot of what she says, and she's quite a lovely person, and I hope to meet her someday (we're in closer proximity than most of you other mama's). Think of Jessica and Frost today.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thankful Tuesdays

Two weeks in a row...I'm on a roll.

3 Things I'm Thankful For:

1. Rowing/Sculling: I'm taking classes with a friend, starting this Friday. So excited!

2. Helicopter seeds make me deliriously happy.

3. This blog: Jill writes Footprints on our Hearts, as well as Vermont Angels. She's always encouraging others in their struggle with grief, and brings a bright spot with her making/writing/picture taking of our babies names in Vermont. Think of her today, and her little ones, Emma and Chase.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Thankful Tuesdays

Ok, I'm trying something attempt at positivity. And I know there are Marvelous Mondays, but my work week starts on Tuesday to match up with my husbands week (he's in retail). So, my goal is to give 3 things I'm thankful for on Tuesdays, to try and start my week off a little better, and to show that I'm not always depressing. I will still do my creative everyday post though. 

I'm thankful for:
1. people who pick up their dog's poop in the park so when I play frisbee I don't get it on my shoes, or when I dive for it, on my clothes.

2. friends who stick with you even when you haven't done a very good job of keeping in touch.

3. this blog: Still Life with Circles by Angie. She has such a refreshing perspective and writes so well. I got into her blog after it had been going for a while already, so I have a lot of posts to catch up on. Most likely, if I have spare time, you can find me reading her older posts.