Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Peg People

So in case you all didn't know, Angie has some pretty kick ass ideas for her kids, life, and family. If you don't already follow her, you should. One of those ideas, that I have yet again shamelessly copied, is peg people. I remember reading one of her blog posts about her peg people, but in going back and searching, this is the only one I could find on them. I loved the idea of a tactile way of having Lucy as a part of their family. Plus, having a miniature version of your family to play with is pretty awesome too.

And so I made some for Simon. I got lots of little peg people. I plan to paint the rest of them as super heros, or knights, or pirates or something...whatever Simon might be interested in a little later. I totally was gung ho to make a castle for him, out of cardboard boxes, but I was convinced to wait until he's a bit older to enjoy it more :) But I went ahead and made our little family for him. He's liked them so far.

All credit goes to Angie, and her willingness to share those projects and ideas with us here in this community. Thank you!