Showing posts with label mixed media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mixed media. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Harking back to this project  and this project again, I think I've got it finished. I did a terrible job on the collage part, as you can tell by the bubbles and bumps of it all. But I love it nonetheless. Not allowing my Critic to get me down on this one.

"Cosmic Love"
Mixed Media

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


L brought home a 2.5' x 3.5' canvas a few weeks ago. Someone was giving it away...already painted on...and canvases that size are not cheap. So he brought it home for me and I've been contemplating what to do with it. Here is the progress I've made so far (I didn't take pics from the same angles):
Collage stage
Washes and paint stage

I've been working on it here and there, so I'm not sure when it will be done. I'm excited for it though.

I'll bullet point the rest of this post so as not to ramble extensively:
Good things:
- Weekly appointments are underway (!)
- Simon is still measuring ahead
- Had a good catch-up with a BLM and felt refreshed after letting some of my crazy out. She understands my crazy, and good at listening to it all :)

Disappointing things:
- I hate to mention this, but to be fully honest, I've lost weight. As mentioned above though, Simon is measuring ahead and healthy. The nurse today sure acted like I'm purposefully trying to do this if I'd want to add another element to an already high risk and stressful pregnancy.
- We had plans to visit both our families for Christmas...out of town. The Dr. said for normal patients with no previous issues, he recommends not traveling after 34 weeks. Since I'm abnormal, he wants me in traveling. He wants to keep a close eye on me - which is a good thing. But that causes some hassles and recalculations of how we'll see everyone...we haven't figured that out yet.
- Still feeling sad. Or melancholy. And emotional. Not anything new though...

Wishing everyone a gentle week. We'll be doing Thanksgiving with L's family and visiting with some out of town friends. I've been lax on posting lately already, and it's most likely I won't get around to much the rest of this week. Love to all.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Anger Art
"For The Coward"
Mixed media on watercolor paper

I ranted and screamed and cursed in oil pastels on the first layer. A wash of watercolors over the top. Some acrylics came next. And then back to the oil pastels for the main images on top. Another wash of watercolors to to finish it off.

I liked this method of venting. Of taking all those pent up emotions for a particular situation and person and wailing on my supplies. It's healthier than punching someone in the face, or writing a nasty letter and sending it to them. I've done what I could for this situation in reality, and yet there are still ripples from the experience. So, my art gets to help me finish working through it all. It may not be a fine work of art, but it's good therapy.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Lyrics from "Grey Street" Dave Matthews Band
Art Journaling

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Thought yesterday was the 9th, so I didn't post anything. Nice job brain.

I've been working on stuff, but to be perfectly honest, I'm letting my inner critic dominate my thoughts and am having a hard time feeling confidant about what I've done. So I'm regrouping and banning the critic. 

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Some work in progress.

A wholly unhealthy treat that I managed to pull together.

And if you haven't visited Stilllife365 yet, you need to. Today happens to be a post on one of my pieces from early on, but it changes daily, and shows the art of those who have experienced grief from the loss of a child.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


More altered book pages:

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Mixed Media

A sample of all members of our family being creative - husband, my "work space", and Dinah:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


The start of my altered book.