Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year, New Goals

2013 rolled in while my husband was puking his guts up. Not the most impressive start to the new year. My first goal for the year, was to not get the flu bug.

I don't believe in setting goals based purely on the calendar. I think it's a great time to do it, but I wouldn't limit myself to only setting them only at that one time. I think it's important to do a check every 3 to 6 months to see if I'm progressing on the paths to the goals I've set. Or if I've veered off and ended stalling out on them. Goals can be changed. Living life is more important than checking something off of a list. Not everyone is a goal oriented mind. Do what is best for yourself.

Saying all that, I will reiterate that I'm a very goal oriented person. So, without further ado, here are some of my goals that I accomplished this last year, and some I've set for this coming year. Please know that I have a large list of goals that didn't happen either...

I read 21 books.
I started working out in February. Running in June. And by the end of the year I had 775 miles from biking, running and walking.
In an attempt to live more simply and contentedly, starting last May I haven't bought any new clothes, or makeup. This continues through May 2013. (I did buy 2 clothes items second hand)
I tried to live in the moment with Simon, and not just wish he'd go off and play by himself so I could get things done.

Run my first 10k and half marathon by May (10k planned in February, and half planned in May).
Get strong enough to do pullups.
Get my next tattoo.
Read 10 books.
Paint a giant watercolor. I have paper for it already...22x14 or something similar.
Draw more.
Go camping this summer as a family.

Friends, I hope you are having a good start to this new year. And that this year holds more happiness than sadness for you. Sending love.

Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Roundup

This is what we're supposed to do right? Reflect and acknowledge what this year gave to us? As if the clock turning 12am suddenly changes all the crappiness from the previous year to golden unicorn dust?

But it's obviously important, or else everyone wouldn't participate in it or wish for the next year to be better or set goals or feel renewed despite it taking 3 weeks to remember to write the new year correctly on forms, checks, etc.

Looking back on this year I see a lot of dreariness...a lot of grief fog, anger and anxiety. After hearing me wonder why I still struggle with _______ (fill in the blank with numerous options), my therapist gently reminds me that my baby died. That the grief from that will forever echo in my heart and my mind on a daily basis, though not always to the same depth of pain as the day after it happened....or 3 months ago...or today. Even 12 months out, she nudges me to face the grief still, and not sweep it under the rug like I feel like others are pushing me to do. I'm also not supposed to hide from the joys.

The joys have included finding other BLM's here in town, doing art and finding a community through Still Life 365 , participating in the Sketchbook Project , having family and friends mention Lyra's name or remember her, having a kitty who will cuddle up to me right when I need it, finding out Lyra would have a brother, and having a husband who has stuck with me despite the emotional roller coaster I've been (and continue to be).
In a nutshell, giving space for both the joys and grief to be apart of my life, and not caring what other people expect of me, is my goal for this next year.

To ramble, I hope to continue to do my art. I hope to bring home a live baby in the next month-ish.  I hope to hold a special place for Lyra as a part of our family in whatever scenario we find not hide or be ashamed because it's a taboo topic. I hope to do what is best for Lucas and Simon and I, even if friends or family are disappointed or don't understand. I hope to become more comfortable with this new me.
As cynical as I am at times, I do wish for golden unicorn dust...for this next year to be magically better for everyone. I know too many people who deserve it more than anything. So here's to 2011 and the hope that we can find ourselves less weighed down, and with so much more peace and strength than this past year.